Saturday, May 31, 2008

Michelle Thompson


michelleiz said...


Married: Bruce Hilton 2003

I have one son, Logan(2 1/2)he's beautiful, he looks just like me ;) and I have 4 stepchildren, Ben 15, Hannah 13, Rachel 10, Nathan 8.

I've worked everywhere over the years, including doing hair for a while...I get bored easy....I now work (not reside) at the prison with Adult Probation and Parole. My job is actually pretty fun and scary at the same time. Not scary because there are inmates, but scary because of the knowledge that there are so many more people out there that should be here! Seriously, take precautions (don't panic) and take care of your families. There are so many people here that have no family support, which is probably how they ended up here. Ok, getting off my soapbox now.

I hope all of you are doing well and your lives are everything you hoped they'd be!

Kelly Woodbrey said...

Thank you. We are having fun. Zions has been a long time ago.

Jod said...

Hey Mitch-
Where do you live now?? I haven't seen you in forever!
Are you coming to the reunion??
Hope so!
Keep in touch.
:) Jodie

Tracy Pratt said...

Hey Shell,
I finally figured this site out. Go figure.....I know computers have never been my forte. Neither was school or should I say tests. Private joke right? LOL

So e-mail me and let me know what you are going to do this weekend.

Say hi to Bruce for me and give Logan a great big hug. I can't believe his birthday is coming up.

I just wanted to say thanks for being my friend in High school and getting me through all the crazy stuff.

I love ya tons girlfriend and always will. I just wish you didn't live so far away on the other side of the mountain. Hope you are feeling well and that life is good. Be safe at work and Hang in there.

My kids still think your picture is gorgeous even though you weren't smiling. I told them it had nothing to do with school, Aunt Michelle sometimes like to play she is TOO SERIOUS! LOL

Chat with you soon.
Love always,