Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Anji Hart


agaskin said...

Hi Everyone-

Married since 2004, no children yet but looking forward to the day. Moved from Syracuse Utah to Las Vegas/Henderson area 1 1/2 years ago. Look forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!


Mike said...

Alright--enough of this! Exactly how many of y'all are my freakin neighbors????? So I figure everyone's scattered to all corners of the world, and here we all are in Vegas!

Look forward to catching up at the reunion!

Hollie said...


Mel has kept me updated on where you are at. I would love to see you. Hope you can make the reunion.


Kimberly said...

Hi Anji,

It will be fun to see you. I see your mom occasionally and she fills me in. See you soon. Kim Baldwin Pond

Laurie said...

Hello Anji--
I am so glad that I have been able to see a couple of times when we have come to visit! And that we share such a cute neice and nephew...give tham an extra squeeze for me every time you see them....HOWEVER you do make me a bit nervous when you start reminiscing in front of the children....they don't need to know every thing you know!!! I love you you are so much fun!!!

Laurie said...

Hey...Just thought about Heather Bird...she did graduate with us?...have you lost track of her too? is her Grandma still in Riverheights?

Dixie said...


It sure has been a LONG time.
I am glad you are going to the reunion, I will be there on Saturday night. I would love to talk to you there.
How is Vegas? I had no idea you lived there until I talked to Laurie on the phone the other night.
I look forward to seeing you then.


Clark Bayles said...

I hope you know what I great friend I always considered you to be. I have thought about you a lot over the years. I missed you in Vegas. I moved back to Utah 4 years ago. hope all is well.

Jod said...

Haven't seen you in forever!
I always remember how much fun you were to be around!
Can't wait to see ya on Sat.
:) Jodie Nyman Hunt

Jod said...

Hi anj-
I worked with 2 of your sisters, Marci and Krista at the old Credit Union and they used to keep me posted on how you were, but I haven't worked there in over 6 years. It will be fun to see you on Sat. you were always so fun!
:) Jodie Nyman Hunt

Tammy said...

Hey Anji Hart!!

I have been wondering about you for a long time. It is finally nice to know that you are still alive and kicking! I drive by the "Hart's" house everyday almost. You know, my mom and dad still live up there on snob hill. It will always be the Hart's house no matter how many people move in and out of it. I am excited to see you at the reunion. Of course Cathy and I will be at the tailgate party and to the dinner as well (without the husbands, they are such babies and did not want to come with us). See you soon!

Tammy Thompson Neilson

Mike said...

So good to see you this past weekend, Anj. Wish we could have chatted more, but the whole thing was kind of a whirlwind, wasn't it? Maybe we can work it out to go out for dinner one of these days?

Mel newman Thorpe said...

Hey cuz! I am learning how to do this computer thing! are you proud of me? everyone has their talents! This is sooooo not mine! It was a blast Hanging with ya!! GO MUSTANGS!! It was a fun Party!!(I do my best, not to bug-- in on Kami's time when you come! but I wish I could see you more!!!I miss ya!)Thanks for being there for me!You are soo incredible!! love you mel
P.S. you have gotten wimpy---you should have driven the sports car! you are over 16 now and I'm sure it is older than day,and has insurance!! I totally didn't tell on you that day!! see.....I kinda can keep a secret maybe! hee hee hee tell that awesome husband of yours hello!!!!

Mike said...

Lunch--dinner--a light snack, don't matter to me. Do feel bad that we only got to chat for a minute before other distractions set in. But still, it was great to see you and at least have a moment to catch up.

As far as the whole 'dumping you early in our freshman year'--well, let's just say that I wasn't as smart then as I am now. (that still may not be true, but for argument's sake, let's just say that) I'm sorry if my actions caused you severe emotional or psychological problems which have required extensive counselling and medications. I doubt it, but I will still apologize for it anyway.

So, drop me a line at so we can work out a time to have a sit down and really catch up, okey-dokey?
