Friday, May 30, 2008

David Sorensen


JTBradshaw said...

Hey Dave Sorensen,

I see you have made comments on other people's pages, but have said nothing about yourself. I, for one, would gladly read about the life of a former member of BLISS!

John Bradshaw

Flint said...

RIP!! didn't see ya at the reunion. Pocatelo is not that very far away either. Rumor has it that you are the Bishop. As to what John said, there are a bunch of us that would probably read about what is going on in the house of Sorensen. Take care

Anonymous said...

Hello to everyone! I feel like I have been lost and out of touch but this website has changed that. I guess I had better leave a short bio to get caught up. After graduation I served a mission in Calgary Canada and loved every minute of it. When I returned home I met my wife, Jennifer Viehweg, and we were married in 1993. I attended USU and graduated with a degree in Psychology in 1996. While a senior at USU we had our first child, Peter who is now 13 y/o. We then moved to Salmon Idaho where I worked with adult mentally ill clients as a case manager. After about a year & half we moved to Idaho Falls to take a job working with troubled children and adolescents. After a few months in IF our second child was born, Alison who is now 10 y/o. I worked at this job for about 8 years and became the program manager before leaving for greener pastures. While living in IF (Rigby) area I completed a Masters degree in Education and Human Resources and served for five years in a bishopric. In 2001 we had our third child, Kaitlyn who is now 7 years old. In 2005 an opportunity presented itself to start my own business in the Pocatello area so we moved again - this time for good I hope. With a good friend & business partener we opened a children's mental health clinic and family couciling center in Pocatello. It has been very successful and we have about 35 employees working with troubled kids and families. In November of 2006 I was called to serve as a Bishop over a newly created ward in Chubbuck Idaho. This has been a challenge and a blessing for our family. I have enjoyed reconnecting with some of you and want you all to know that I think of you often and wonder how you are. I am sorry that I missed the reunion but had a family emergency come up as we were preparing to leave for the reunion. I hope to get re-connected to many of you who I have known back in the day. My email address is: if you want to chat. Thanks