Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Nanette Murray


Unknown said...


I can't believe it has been 20 years! I have two children, my son Taylor is 17 and a senior at Layton High and my daughter Shelby is 15 and she is in the 9th grade. We live in Syracuse. I was remarried earlier this year to Derek Fitzgerald, on a beach in Hawaii. I graduated from Weber State in 2003 with a Bachelors in Social Work and from the University of Utah with a Master's in Social Work in 2006. Brad Lundahl was one of my professors. I recently completed requirements for my LCSW licensure. I work for a healthcare/hospice company as their director of Social Work and Bereavement Services in Salt Lake and on the side I work at McKay Dee Hospital and as adjunct faculty at Weber State University.

Angie Stewart said...

Hi Nan! I'm glad to see you finally got around to updating your bio!! ha, ha! I hope to see you soon...Angie

dee said...

Hi Nan!

I'm calling Zan to get your number...I want to hear the scoop.

:) Deeana