Friday, May 30, 2008

Rick Slade

1 comment:

The OC said...

what a sweat haircut. timeless. I'm thinking about showing up for the reunion, but I'm going to need immunity from President Stolworthey. Or some type of a pardon guareente.

I live in Provo with the wife and the four kids. All boys. So I'm currently coach of everything and I'm getting tired of it. Graduated from BYU with a degree that did nothing for me but I'm trying to make it work.

I never see any of the old "fellas". Although I do hear from Kendal "Pig" Hendricks from time to time with some type of crazy idea or business plan.

I'm looking forward to seeing Brent Thatcher play golf. To see if he can control those ape arms and get some serious centrifical force on the ball.

Should be fun.