Wendy! I remember in jr high that you had the most creative ways of getting under my skin! And now I see that you have named you first-born after me. That is the kindest thing you have ever done for me!. It's fun to see what every one is doing now. Que estes bien.
After high school I went to BYU from 1988-1992. I have a BA in Art History.
In 1992 I married Brian Jones(88-90Peru Lima South Mission).
We have lived in Arizona for the past 15 years.
We have 4 kids: Tyler (13) Courtney (11) Amanda (7) and Logan 4).
I posted a picture of our family at www.bwjonesfamily.blogspot.com
and will try to update it with a few more pictures.
If I don't make it to the reunion, let's make a date for dinner next time I'm in Wickenburg! (Probably January at the latest.)
Happy Birthday to Wendy!! September 18!! Can't wait to see you!
Wendy! I remember in jr high that you had the most creative ways of getting under my skin! And now I see that you have named you first-born after me. That is the kindest thing you have ever done for me!. It's fun to see what every one is doing now. Que estes bien.
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